// source --> https://richka.co/wp-content/plugins/urvanov-syntax-highlighter/js/min/urvanov_syntax_highlighter.min.js?ver=2.8.13 // To avoid duplicates conflicting var jQueryUrvanovSyntaxHighlighter = jQuery; (function ($) { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil = new function () { var base = this; var settings = null; base.init = function () { settings = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntaxSettings; base.initGET(); }; base.addPrefixToID = function (id) { return id.replace(/^([#.])?(.*)$/, '$1' + settings.prefix + '$2'); }; base.removePrefixFromID = function (id) { var re = new RegExp('^[#.]?' + settings.prefix, 'i'); return id.replace(re, ''); }; base.cssElem = function (id) { return $(base.addPrefixToID(id)); }; base.setDefault = function (v, d) { return (typeof v == 'undefined') ? d : v; }; base.setMax = function (v, max) { return v <= max ? v : max; }; base.setMin = function (v, min) { return v >= min ? v : min; }; base.setRange = function (v, min, max) { return base.setMax(base.setMin(v, min), max); }; base.getExt = function (str) { if (str.indexOf('.') == -1) { return undefined; } var ext = str.split('.'); if (ext.length) { ext = ext[ext.length - 1]; } else { ext = ''; } return ext; }; base.initGET = function () { // URLs window.currentURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; window.currentDir = window.currentURL.substring(0, window.currentURL.lastIndexOf('/')); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439463 function getQueryParams(qs) { qs = qs.split("+").join(" "); var params = {}, tokens, re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g; while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) { params[decodeURIComponent(tokens[1])] = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]); } return params; } window.GET = getQueryParams(document.location.search); }; base.getAJAX = function (args, callback) { args.version = settings.version; $.get(settings.ajaxurl, args, callback); }; /** * @param {String} HTML representing any number of sibling elements * @return {NodeList} */ base.htmlToElements = function (html) { return $.parseHTML(html, document, true); } base.postAJAX = function (args, callback) { args.version = settings.version; $.post(settings.ajaxurl, args, callback); }; base.reload = function () { var get = '?'; for (var i in window.GET) { get += i + '=' + window.GET[i] + '&'; } window.location = window.currentURL + get; }; base.escape = function (string) { if (typeof encodeURIComponent == 'function') { return encodeURIComponent(string); } else if (typeof escape != 'function') { return escape(string); } else { return string; } }; base.log = function (string) { if (typeof console != 'undefined' && settings.debug) { console.log(string); } }; base.decode_html = function (str) { return String(str).replace(/</g, '<').replace( />/g, '>').replace(/&/g, '&'); }; base.encode_html = function (str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>'); }; /** * Returns either black or white to ensure this color is distinguishable with the given RGB hex. * This function can be used to create a readable foreground color given a background color, or vice versa. * It forms a radius around white where black is returned. Outside this radius, white is returned. * * @param hex An RGB hex (e.g. "#FFFFFF") * @requires jQuery and TinyColor * @param args The argument object. Properties: * amount: a value in the range [0,1]. If the distance of the given hex from white exceeds this value, * white is returned. Otherwise, black is returned. * xMulti: a multiplier to the distance in the x-axis. * yMulti: a multiplier to the distance in the y-axis. * normalizeHue: either falsey or an [x,y] array range. If hex is a colour with hue in this range, * then normalizeHueXMulti and normalizeHueYMulti are applied. * normalizeHueXMulti: a multiplier to the distance in the x-axis if hue is normalized. * normalizeHueYMulti: a multiplier to the distance in the y-axis if hue is normalized. * @return the RGB hex string of black or white. */ base.getReadableColor = function (hex, args) { args = $.extend({ amount: 0.5, xMulti: 1, // We want to achieve white a bit sooner in the y axis yMulti: 1.5, normalizeHue: [20, 180], // For colors that appear lighter (yellow, green, light blue) we reduce the distance in the x direction, // stretching the radius in the x axis allowing more black than before. normalizeHueXMulti: 1 / 2.5, normalizeHueYMulti: 1 }, args); var color = tinycolor(hex); var hsv = color.toHsv(); // Origin is white var coord = {x: hsv.s, y: 1 - hsv.v}; // Multipliers coord.x *= args.xMulti; coord.y *= args.yMulti; if (args.normalizeHue && hsv.h > args.normalizeHue[0] && hsv.h < args.normalizeHue[1]) { coord.x *= args.normalizeHueXMulti; coord.y *= args.normalizeHueYMulti; } var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(coord.x, 2) + Math.pow(coord.y, 2)); if (dist < args.amount) { hsv.v = 0; // black } else { hsv.v = 1; // white } hsv.s = 0; return tinycolor(hsv).toHexString(); }; base.removeChars = function (chars, str) { var re = new RegExp('[' + chars + ']', 'gmi'); return str.replace(re, ''); } }; $(document).ready(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.init(); }); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2360655/jquery-event-handlers-always-execute-in-order-they-were-bound-any-way-around-t // [name] is the name of the event "click", "mouseover", .. // same as you'd pass it to bind() // [fn] is the handler function $.fn.bindFirst = function (name, fn) { // bind as you normally would // don't want to miss out on any jQuery magic this.bind(name, fn); // Thanks to a comment by @Martin, adding support for // namespaced events too. var handlers = this.data('events')[name.split('.')[0]]; // take out the handler we just inserted from the end var handler = handlers.pop(); // move it at the beginning handlers.splice(0, 0, handler); }; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4079274/how-to-get-an-objects-properties-in-javascript-jquery $.keys = function (obj) { var keys = []; for (var key in obj) { keys.push(key); } return keys; } // Prototype modifications RegExp.prototype.execAll = function (string) { var matches = []; var match = null; while ((match = this.exec(string)) != null) { var matchArray = []; for (var i in match) { if (parseInt(i) == i) { matchArray.push(match[i]); } } matches.push(matchArray); } return matches; }; // Escape regex chars with \ RegExp.prototype.escape = function (text) { return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); }; String.prototype.sliceReplace = function (start, end, repl) { return this.substring(0, start) + repl + this.substring(end); }; String.prototype.escape = function () { var tagsToReplace = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; return this.replace(/[&<>]/g, function (tag) { return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag; }); }; String.prototype.linkify = function (target) { target = typeof target != 'undefined' ? target : ''; return this.replace(/(http(s)?:\/\/(\S)+)/gmi, '$1'); }; String.prototype.toTitleCase = function () { var parts = this.split(/\s+/); var title = ''; $.each(parts, function (i, part) { if (part != '') { title += part.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + part.slice(1, part.length); if (i != parts.length - 1 && parts[i + 1] != '') { title += ' '; } } }); return title; }; })(jQueryUrvanovSyntaxHighlighter); // Default Settings jqueryPopup = Object(); jqueryPopup.defaultSettings = { centerBrowser:0, // center window over browser window? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left centerScreen:0, // center window over entire screen? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left height:500, // sets the height in pixels of the window. left:0, // left position when the window appears. location:0, // determines whether the address bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. menubar:0, // determines whether the menu bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. resizable:0, // whether the window can be resized {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. Can also be overloaded using resizable. scrollbars:0, // determines whether scrollbars appear on the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. status:0, // whether a status line appears at the bottom of the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. width:500, // sets the width in pixels of the window. windowName:null, // name of window set from the name attribute of the element that invokes the click windowURL:null, // url used for the popup top:0, // top position when the window appears. toolbar:0, // determines whether a toolbar (includes the forward and back buttons) is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. data:null, event:'click' }; (function ($) { popupWindow = function (object, instanceSettings, beforeCallback, afterCallback) { beforeCallback = typeof beforeCallback !== 'undefined' ? beforeCallback : null; afterCallback = typeof afterCallback !== 'undefined' ? afterCallback : null; if (typeof object == 'string') { object = jQuery(object); } if (!(object instanceof jQuery)) { return false; } var settings = jQuery.extend({}, jqueryPopup.defaultSettings, instanceSettings || {}); object.handler = jQuery(object).bind(settings.event, function() { if (beforeCallback) { beforeCallback(); } var windowFeatures = 'height=' + settings.height + ',width=' + settings.width + ',toolbar=' + settings.toolbar + ',scrollbars=' + settings.scrollbars + ',status=' + settings.status + ',resizable=' + settings.resizable + ',location=' + settings.location + ',menuBar=' + settings.menubar; settings.windowName = settings.windowName || jQuery(this).attr('name'); var href = jQuery(this).attr('href'); if (!settings.windowURL && !(href == '#') && !(href == '')) { settings.windowURL = jQuery(this).attr('href'); } var centeredY,centeredX; var win = null; if (settings.centerBrowser) { if (typeof window.screenY == 'undefined') {// not defined for old IE versions centeredY = (window.screenTop - 120) + ((((document.documentElement.clientHeight + 120)/2) - (settings.height/2))); centeredX = window.screenLeft + ((((document.body.offsetWidth + 20)/2) - (settings.width/2))); } else { centeredY = window.screenY + (((window.outerHeight/2) - (settings.height/2))); centeredX = window.screenX + (((window.outerWidth/2) - (settings.width/2))); } win = window.open(settings.windowURL, settings.windowName, windowFeatures+',left=' + centeredX +',top=' + centeredY); } else if (settings.centerScreen) { centeredY = (screen.height - settings.height)/2; centeredX = (screen.width - settings.width)/2; win = window.open(settings.windowURL, settings.windowName, windowFeatures+',left=' + centeredX +',top=' + centeredY); } else { win = window.open(settings.windowURL, settings.windowName, windowFeatures+',left=' + settings.left +',top=' + settings.top); } if (win != null) { win.focus(); if (settings.data) { win.document.write(settings.data); } } if (afterCallback) { afterCallback(); } }); return settings; }; popdownWindow = function(object, event) { if (typeof event == 'undefined') { event = 'click'; } object = jQuery(object); if (!(object instanceof jQuery)) { return false; } object.unbind(event, object.handler); }; })(jQueryUrvanovSyntaxHighlighter); // Urvanov Syntax Highlighter JavaScript (function ($) { // BEGIN AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS $.fn.exists = function () { return this.length !== 0; }; $.fn.style = function (styleName, value, priority) { // DOM node var node = this.get(0); // Ensure we have a DOM node if (typeof node == 'undefined') { return; } // CSSStyleDeclaration var style = node.style; // Getter/Setter if (typeof styleName != 'undefined') { if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // Set style property priority = typeof priority != 'undefined' ? priority : ''; if (typeof style.setProperty != 'undefined') { style.setProperty(styleName, value, priority); } else { // XXX Using priority breaks on IE 7 & 8 // if (priority) { // value = value + ' !' + priority; // } style[styleName] = value; } } else { // Get style property return style[styleName]; } } else { // Get CSSStyleDeclaration return style; } }; // END AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS var PRESSED = 'crayon-pressed'; var UNPRESSED = ''; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_SYNTAX = 'div.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-syntax'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TOOLBAR = '.crayon-toolbar'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_INFO = '.crayon-info'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-plain'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_MAIN = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-main'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TABLE = '.crayon-table'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_LOADING = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-loading'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_CODE = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-code'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TITLE = '.crayon-title'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TOOLS = '.crayon-tools'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS = '.crayon-nums'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUM = '.crayon-num'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_LINE = '.crayon-line'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_WRAPPED = 'urvanov-syntax-highlighter-wrapped'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS_CONTENT = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-nums-content'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-nums-button'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_WRAP_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-wrap-button'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPAND_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-expand-button'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPANDED = 'urvanov-syntax-highlighter-expanded urvanov-syntax-highlighter-toolbar-visible'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLACEHOLDER = 'urvanov-syntax-highlighter-placeholder'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_POPUP_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-popup-button'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_COPY_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-copy-button'; var URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN_BUTTON = '.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-plain-button'; UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax = new function () { var base = this; var urvanov_syntax_highlighters = new Object(); var settings; var strings; var currUID = 0; var touchscreen; base.init = function () { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters == 'undefined') { urvanov_syntax_highlighters = new Object(); } settings = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntaxSettings; strings = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntaxStrings; $(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_SYNTAX).each(function () { base.process(this); }); }; base.process = function (c, replace) { c = $(c); var uid = c.attr('id'); if (uid == 'urvanov-syntax-highlighter-') { // No ID, generate one uid += getUID(); } c.attr('id', uid); UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log(uid); if (typeof replace == 'undefined') { replace = false; } if (!replace && !makeUID(uid)) { // Already a UrvanovSyntaxHighlighter return; } var toolbar = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TOOLBAR); var info = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_INFO); var plain = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN); var main = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_MAIN); var table = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TABLE); var code = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_CODE); var title = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TITLE); var tools = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_TOOLS); var nums = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS); var numsContent = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS_CONTENT); var numsButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUMS_BUTTON); var wrapButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_WRAP_BUTTON); var expandButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPAND_BUTTON); var popupButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_POPUP_BUTTON); var copyButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_COPY_BUTTON); var plainButton = c.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN_BUTTON); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] = c; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar = toolbar; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain = plain; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].info = info; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main = main; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table = table; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].code = code; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].title = title; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].tools = tools; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].nums = nums; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].nums_content = numsContent; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsButton = numsButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapButton = wrapButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton = expandButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].popup_button = popupButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].copy_button = copyButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainButton = plainButton; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsVisible = true; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped = false; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainVisible = false; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar_delay = 0; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].time = 1; // Set plain $(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN).css('z-index', 0); // XXX Remember CSS dimensions var mainStyle = main.style(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainStyle = { 'height': mainStyle && mainStyle.height || '', 'max-height': mainStyle && mainStyle.maxHeight || '', 'min-height': mainStyle && mainStyle.minHeight || '', 'width': mainStyle && mainStyle.width || '', 'max-width': mainStyle && mainStyle.maxWidth || '', 'min-width': mainStyle && mainStyle.minWidth || '' }; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainHeightAuto = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainStyle.height == '' && urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainStyle['max-height'] == ''; var load_timer; var i = 0; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].loading = true; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].scrollBlockFix = false; // Register click events numsButton.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.toggleNums(uid); }); wrapButton.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.toggleWrap(uid); }); expandButton.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.toggleExpand(uid); }); plainButton.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid); }); copyButton.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.copyPlain(uid); }); // Enable retina if supported retina(uid); var load_func = function () { // If nums hidden by default if (nums.filter('[data-settings~="hide"]').length != 0) { numsContent.ready(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log('function' + uid); UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.toggleNums(uid, true, true); }); } else { updateNumsButton(uid); } if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded == 'undefined') { // Determine if we should enable code expanding toggling if (Math.abs(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerWidth() - urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.outerWidth()) < 10) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.hide(); } else { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.show(); } } // TODO If width has changed or timeout, stop timer if (/*last_num_width != nums.outerWidth() ||*/ i == 5) { clearInterval(load_timer); //urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].removeClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_LOADING); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].loading = false; } i++; }; load_timer = setInterval(load_func, 300); fixScrollBlank(uid); // Add ref to num for each line $(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUM, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid]).each(function () { var lineID = $(this).attr('data-line'); var line = $('#' + lineID); var height = line.style('height'); if (height) { line.attr('data-height', height); } }); // Used for toggling main.css('position', 'relative'); main.css('z-index', 1); // Disable certain features for touchscreen devices touchscreen = (c.filter('[data-settings~="touchscreen"]').length != 0); // Used to hide info if (!touchscreen) { main.click(function () { urvanovSyntaxHighlighterInfo(uid, '', false); }); plain.click(function () { urvanovSyntaxHighlighterInfo(uid, '', false); }); info.click(function () { urvanovSyntaxHighlighterInfo(uid, '', false); }); } // Used for code popup if (c.filter('[data-settings~="no-popup"]').length == 0) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].popup_settings = popupWindow(popupButton, { height: screen.height - 200, width: screen.width - 100, top: 75, left: 50, scrollbars: 1, windowURL: '', data: '' // Data overrides URL }, function () { codePopup(uid); }, function () { //UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log('after'); }); } plain.css('opacity', 0); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarVisible = true; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].hasOneLine = table.outerHeight() < toolbar.outerHeight() * 2; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarMouseover = false; // If a toolbar with mouseover was found if (toolbar.filter('[data-settings~="mouseover"]').length != 0 && !touchscreen) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarMouseover = true; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarVisible = false; toolbar.css('margin-top', '-' + toolbar.outerHeight() + 'px'); toolbar.hide(); // Overlay the toolbar if needed, only if doing so will not hide the // whole code! if (toolbar.filter('[data-settings~="overlay"]').length != 0 && !urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].hasOneLine) { toolbar.css('position', 'absolute'); toolbar.css('z-index', 2); // Hide on single click when overlayed if (toolbar.filter('[data-settings~="hide"]').length != 0) { main.click(function () { toggleToolbar(uid, undefined, undefined, 0); }); plain.click(function () { toggleToolbar(uid, false, undefined, 0); }); } } else { toolbar.css('z-index', 4); } // Enable delay on mouseout if (toolbar.filter('[data-settings~="delay"]').length != 0) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar_delay = 500; } // Use .hover() for chrome, but in firefox mouseover/mouseout worked best c.mouseenter(function () { toggleToolbar(uid, true); }) .mouseleave(function () { toggleToolbar(uid, false); }); } else if (touchscreen) { toolbar.show(); } // Minimize if (c.filter('[data-settings~="minimize"]').length == 0) { base.minimize(uid); } // Plain show events if (plain.length != 0 && !touchscreen) { if (plain.filter('[data-settings~="dblclick"]').length != 0) { main.dblclick(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid); }); } else if (plain.filter('[data-settings~="click"]').length != 0) { main.click(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid); }); } else if (plain.filter('[data-settings~="mouseover"]').length != 0) { c.mouseenter(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid, true); }) .mouseleave(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid, false); }); numsButton.hide(); } if (plain.filter('[data-settings~="show-plain-default"]').length != 0) { // XXX UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.togglePlain(uid, true); } } // Scrollbar show events var expand = c.filter('[data-settings~="expand"]').length != 0; // urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mouse_expand = expand; if (!touchscreen && c.filter('[data-settings~="scroll-mouseover"]').length != 0) { // Disable on touchscreen devices and when set to mouseover main.css('overflow', 'hidden'); plain.css('overflow', 'hidden'); c.mouseenter(function () { toggle_scroll(uid, true, expand); }) .mouseleave(function () { toggle_scroll(uid, false, expand); }); } if (expand) { c.mouseenter(function () { toggleExpand(uid, true); }) .mouseleave(function () { toggleExpand(uid, false); }); } // Disable animations if (c.filter('[data-settings~="disable-anim"]').length != 0) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].time = 0; } // Wrap if (c.filter('[data-settings~="wrap"]').length != 0) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped = true; } // Determine if Mac urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mac = c.hasClass('urvanov-syntax-highlighter-os-mac'); // Update clickable buttons updateNumsButton(uid); updatePlainButton(uid); updateWrap(uid); }; var makeUID = function (uid) { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log(urvanov_syntax_highlighters); if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] = $('#' + uid); UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log('make ' + uid); return true; } UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.log('no make ' + uid); return false; }; var getUID = function () { return currUID++; }; var codePopup = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } var settings = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].popup_settings; if (settings && settings.data) { // Already done return; } var clone = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].clone(true); clone.removeClass('urvanov-syntax-highlighter-wrapped'); // Unwrap if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped) { $(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUM, clone).each(function () { var line_id = $(this).attr('data-line'); var line = $('#' + line_id); var height = line.attr('data-height'); height = height ? height : ''; if (typeof height != 'undefined') { line.css('height', height); $(this).css('height', height); } }); } clone.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_MAIN).css('height', ''); var code = ''; if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainVisible) { code = clone.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLAIN); } else { code = clone.find(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_MAIN); } settings.data = base.getAllCSS() + '
' + base.removeCssInline(base.getHtmlString(code)) + '
'; }; base.minimize = function (uid) { var button = $('
'); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].tools.append(button); // TODO translate urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].origTitle = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].title.html(); if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].origTitle) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].title.html(strings.minimize); }; var cls = 'urvanov-syntax-highlighter-minimized'; var show = function () { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarPreventHide = false; button.remove(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].removeClass(cls); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].title.html(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].origTitle); var toolbar = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar; if (toolbar.filter('[data-settings~="never-show"]').length != 0) { toolbar.remove(); } }; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar.click(show); button.click(show); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].addClass(cls); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarPreventHide = true; toggleToolbar(uid, undefined, undefined, 0); } base.getHtmlString = function (object) { return $('
').append(object.clone()).remove().html(); }; base.removeCssInline = function (string) { var reStyle = /style\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/gmi; var match = null; while ((match = reStyle.exec(string)) != null) { var repl = match[1]; repl = repl.replace(/\b(?:width|height)\s*:[^;]+;/gmi, ''); string = string.sliceReplace(match.index, match.index + match[0].length, 'style="' + repl + '"'); } return string; }; // Get all CSS on the page as a string base.getAllCSS = function () { var css_str = ''; var css = $('link[rel="stylesheet"]'); var filtered = []; if (css.length == 1) { // For minified CSS, only allow a single file filtered = css; } else { // Filter all others for UrvanovSyntaxHighlighter CSS filtered = css.filter('[href*="urvanov-syntax-highlighter"], [href*="min/"]'); } filtered.each(function () { var string = base.getHtmlString($(this)); css_str += string; }); return css_str; }; base.copyPlain = function (uid, hover) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } var plain = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain; base.togglePlain(uid, true, true); toggleToolbar(uid, true); var key = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mac ? '\u2318' : 'CTRL'; var text = strings.copy; text = text.replace(/%s/, key + '+C'); text = text.replace(/%s/, key + '+V'); urvanovSyntaxHighlighterInfo(uid, text); return false; }; var urvanovSyntaxHighlighterInfo = function (uid, text, show) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } var info = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].info; if (typeof text == 'undefined') { text = ''; } if (typeof show == 'undefined') { show = true; } if (isSlideHidden(info) && show) { info.html('
' + text + '
'); info.css('margin-top', -info.outerHeight()); info.show(); urvanovSyntaxHighlighterSlide(uid, info, true); setTimeout(function () { urvanovSyntaxHighlighterSlide(uid, info, false); }, 5000); } if (!show) { urvanovSyntaxHighlighterSlide(uid, info, false); } }; var retina = function (uid) { if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { var buttons = $('.urvanov-syntax-highlighter-button-icon', urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar); buttons.each(function () { var lowres = $(this).css('background-image'); var highres = lowres.replace(/\.(?=[^\.]+$)/g, '@2x.'); $(this).css('background-size', '48px 128px'); $(this).css('background-image', highres); }); } }; var isSlideHidden = function (object) { var object_neg_height = '-' + object.outerHeight() + 'px'; if (object.css('margin-top') == object_neg_height || object.css('display') == 'none') { return true; } else { return false; } }; var urvanovSyntaxHighlighterSlide = function (uid, object, show, animTime, hideDelay, callback) { var complete = function () { if (callback) { callback(uid, object); } } var objectNegHeight = '-' + object.outerHeight() + 'px'; if (typeof show == 'undefined') { if (isSlideHidden(object)) { show = true; } else { show = false; } } // Instant means no time delay for showing/hiding if (typeof animTime == 'undefined') { animTime = 100; } if (animTime == false) { animTime = false; } if (typeof hideDelay == 'undefined') { hideDelay = 0; } object.stop(true); if (show == true) { object.show(); object.animate({ marginTop: 0 }, animt(animTime, uid), complete); } else if (show == false) { // Delay if fully visible if (/*instant == false && */object.css('margin-top') == '0px' && hideDelay) { object.delay(hideDelay); } object.animate({ marginTop: objectNegHeight }, animt(animTime, uid), function () { object.hide(); complete(); }); } }; base.togglePlain = function (uid, hover, select) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } var main = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main; var plain = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain; if ((main.is(':animated') || plain.is(':animated')) && typeof hover == 'undefined') { return; } reconsileDimensions(uid); var visible, hidden; if (typeof hover != 'undefined') { if (hover) { visible = main; hidden = plain; } else { visible = plain; hidden = main; } } else { if (main.css('z-index') == 1) { visible = main; hidden = plain; } else { visible = plain; hidden = main; } } urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainVisible = (hidden == plain); // Remember scroll positions of visible urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top = visible.scrollTop(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left = visible.scrollLeft(); /* Used to detect a change in overflow when the mouse moves out * of the UrvanovSyntaxHighlighter. If it does, then overflow has already been changed, * no need to revert it after toggling plain. */ urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].scrollChanged = false; // Hide scrollbars during toggle to avoid Chrome weird draw error // visible.css('overflow', 'hidden'); // hidden.css('overflow', 'hidden'); fixScrollBlank(uid); // Show hidden, hide visible visible.stop(true); visible.fadeTo(animt(500, uid), 0, function () { visible.css('z-index', 0); }); hidden.stop(true); hidden.fadeTo(animt(500, uid), 1, function () { hidden.css('z-index', 1); // Give focus to plain code if (hidden == plain) { if (select) { plain.select(); } else { // XXX not needed // plain.focus(); } } // Refresh scrollbar draw hidden.scrollTop(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top + 1); hidden.scrollTop(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top); hidden.scrollLeft(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left + 1); hidden.scrollLeft(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left); }); // Restore scroll positions to hidden hidden.scrollTop(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top); hidden.scrollLeft(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left); updatePlainButton(uid); // Hide toolbar if possible toggleToolbar(uid, false); return false; }; base.toggleNums = function (uid, hide, instant) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { makeUID(uid); return false; } if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.is(':animated')) { return false; } var numsWidth = Math.round(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].nums_content.outerWidth() + 1); var negWidth = '-' + numsWidth + 'px'; // Force hiding var numHidden; if (typeof hide != 'undefined') { numHidden = false; } else { // Check hiding numHidden = (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.css('margin-left') == negWidth); } var numMargin; if (numHidden) { // Show numMargin = '0px'; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsVisible = true; } else { // Hide urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.css('margin-left', '0px'); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsVisible = false; numMargin = negWidth; } if (typeof instant != 'undefined') { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.css('margin-left', numMargin); updateNumsButton(uid); return false; } // Stop jerking animation from scrollbar appearing for a split second due to // change in width. Prevents scrollbar disappearing if already visible. var h_scroll_visible = (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.outerWidth() + pxToInt(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.css('margin-left')) > urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerWidth()); var v_scroll_visible = (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.outerHeight() > urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerHeight()); if (!h_scroll_visible && !v_scroll_visible) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.css('overflow', 'hidden'); } urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.animate({ marginLeft: numMargin }, animt(200, uid), function () { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] != 'undefined') { updateNumsButton(uid); if (!h_scroll_visible && !v_scroll_visible) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.css('overflow', 'auto'); } } }); return false; }; base.toggleWrap = function (uid) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped = !urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped; updateWrap(uid); }; base.toggleExpand = function (uid) { var expand = !UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.setDefault(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded, false); toggleExpand(uid, expand); }; var updateWrap = function (uid, restore) { restore = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.setDefault(restore, true); if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].addClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_WRAPPED); } else { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].removeClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_WRAPPED); } updateWrapButton(uid); if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded && restore) { restoreDimensions(uid); } urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimes = 0; clearInterval(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimer); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimer = setInterval(function () { if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].is(':visible')) { // XXX if hidden the height can't be determined reconsileLines(uid); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimes++; if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimes == 5) { clearInterval(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapTimer); } } }, 200); }; var fixTableWidth = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { makeUID(uid); return false; } }; // Convert '-10px' to -10 var pxToInt = function (pixels) { if (typeof pixels != 'string') { return 0; } var result = pixels.replace(/[^-0-9]/g, ''); if (result.length == 0) { return 0; } else { return parseInt(result); } }; var updateNumsButton = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined' || typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsVisible == 'undefined') { return; } if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsVisible) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsButton.removeClass(UNPRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsButton.addClass(PRESSED); } else { // TODO doesn't work on iPhone urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsButton.removeClass(PRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].numsButton.addClass(UNPRESSED); } }; var updateWrapButton = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined' || typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped == 'undefined') { return; } if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapButton.removeClass(UNPRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapButton.addClass(PRESSED); } else { // TODO doesn't work on iPhone urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapButton.removeClass(PRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapButton.addClass(UNPRESSED); } }; var updateExpandButton = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined' || typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded == 'undefined') { return; } if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.removeClass(UNPRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.addClass(PRESSED); } else { // TODO doesn't work on iPhone urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.removeClass(PRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandButton.addClass(UNPRESSED); } }; var updatePlainButton = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined' || typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainVisible == 'undefined') { return; } if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainVisible) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainButton.removeClass(UNPRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainButton.addClass(PRESSED); } else { // TODO doesn't work on iPhone urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainButton.removeClass(PRESSED); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plainButton.addClass(UNPRESSED); } }; var toggleToolbar = function (uid, show, animTime, hideDelay) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } else if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarMouseover) { return; } else if (show == false && urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarPreventHide) { return; } else if (touchscreen) { return; } var toolbar = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar; if (typeof hideDelay == 'undefined') { hideDelay = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar_delay; } urvanovSyntaxHighlighterSlide(uid, toolbar, show, animTime, hideDelay, function () { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarVisible = show; }); }; var addSize = function (orig, add) { var copy = $.extend({}, orig); copy.width += add.width; copy.height += add.height; return copy; }; var minusSize = function (orig, minus) { var copy = $.extend({}, orig); copy.width -= minus.width; copy.height -= minus.height; return copy; }; var initSize = function (uid) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize == 'undefined') { // Shared for scrollbars and expanding urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarHeight = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar.outerHeight(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].innerSize = {width: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].width(), height: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].height()}; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerSize = {width: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerWidth(), height: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerHeight()}; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].borderSize = minusSize(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerSize, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].innerSize); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize = {width: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerWidth(), height: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerHeight()}; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize.height += urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarHeight; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialOuterSize = addSize(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].borderSize); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize = {width: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.outerWidth(), height: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.outerHeight()}; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize.height += urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbarHeight; // Ensure we don't shrink urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize.width = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.setMin(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize.width, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize.width); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize.height = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.setMin(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize.height, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize.height); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].diffSize = minusSize(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalOuterSize = addSize(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalSize, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].borderSize); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialSize.height += urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar.outerHeight(); } }; var toggleExpand = function (uid, expand) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } if (typeof expand == 'undefined') { return; } var main = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main; var plain = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain; if (expand) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded == 'undefined') { initSize(uid); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandTime = UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterUtil.setRange(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].diffSize.width / 3, 300, 800); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded = false; var placeHolderSize = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalOuterSize; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder = $('
'); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.addClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_PLACEHOLDER); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.css(placeHolderSize); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].before(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.css('margin', urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css('margin')); $(window).bind('resize', placeholderResize); } var expandHeight = { 'height': 'auto', 'min-height': 'none', 'max-height': 'none' }; var expandWidth = { 'width': 'auto', 'min-width': 'none', 'max-width': 'none' }; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerWidth(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerWidth()); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css({ 'min-width': 'none', 'max-width': 'none' }); var newSize = { width: urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalOuterSize.width }; if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainHeightAuto && !urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].hasOneLine) { newSize.height = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].finalOuterSize.height; urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerHeight(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].outerHeight()); } main.css(expandHeight); main.css(expandWidth); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].stop(true); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].animate(newSize, animt(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandTime, uid), function () { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded = true; updateExpandButton(uid); }); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.show(); $('body').prepend(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid]); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].addClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPANDED); placeholderResize(); } else { var initialSize = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].initialOuterSize; var delay = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].toolbar_delay; if (initialSize) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].stop(true); if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].delay(delay); } var newSize = { width: initialSize.width }; if (!urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainHeightAuto && !urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].hasOneLine) { newSize.height = initialSize.height; } urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].animate(newSize, animt(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expandTime, uid), function () { expandFinish(uid); }); } else { setTimeout(function () { expandFinish(uid); }, delay); } urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.hide(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.before(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid]); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css({left: 'auto', top: 'auto'}); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].removeClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPANDED); } reconsileDimensions(uid); if (expand) { updateWrap(uid, false); } }; var placeholderResize = function () { for (uid in urvanov_syntax_highlighters) { if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].hasClass(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_EXPANDED)) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].placeholder.offset()); } } }; var expandFinish = function(uid) { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded = false; restoreDimensions(uid); updateExpandButton(uid); if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped) { updateWrap(uid); } }; var toggle_scroll = function (uid, show, expand) { if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid] == 'undefined') { return makeUID(uid); } if (typeof show == 'undefined' || expand || urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].expanded) { return; } var main = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main; var plain = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain; if (show) { // Show scrollbars main.css('overflow', 'auto'); plain.css('overflow', 'auto'); if (typeof urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top != 'undefined') { visible = (main.css('z-index') == 1 ? main : plain); // Browser will not render until scrollbar moves, move it manually visible.scrollTop(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top - 1); visible.scrollTop(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top); visible.scrollLeft(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left - 1); visible.scrollLeft(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left); } } else { // Hide scrollbars visible = (main.css('z-index') == 1 ? main : plain); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].top = visible.scrollTop(); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].left = visible.scrollLeft(); main.css('overflow', 'hidden'); plain.css('overflow', 'hidden'); } // Register that overflow has changed urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].scrollChanged = true; fixScrollBlank(uid); }; /* Fix weird draw error, causes blank area to appear where scrollbar once was. */ var fixScrollBlank = function (uid) { // Scrollbar draw error in Chrome urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.style('width', '100%', 'important'); var redraw = setTimeout(function () { urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].table.style('width', ''); clearInterval(redraw); }, 10); }; var restoreDimensions = function (uid) { // Restore dimensions var main = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main; var mainStyle = urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].mainStyle; main.css(mainStyle); // Width styles also apply to urvanovSyntaxHighlighter urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css('height', 'auto'); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css('width', mainStyle['width']); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css('max-width', mainStyle['max-width']); urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].css('min-width', mainStyle['min-width']); }; var reconsileDimensions = function (uid) { // Reconsile dimensions urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].plain.outerHeight(urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].main.outerHeight()); }; var reconsileLines = function (uid) { $(URVANOV_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTER_NUM, urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid]).each(function () { var lineID = $(this).attr('data-line'); var line = $('#' + lineID); var height = null; if (urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].wrapped) { line.css('height', ''); height = line.outerHeight(); height = height ? height : ''; // TODO toolbar should overlay title if needed } else { height = line.attr('data-height'); height = height ? height : ''; line.css('height', height); //line.css('height', line.css('line-height')); } $(this).css('height', height); }); }; var animt = function (x, uid) { if (x == 'fast') { x = 200; } else if (x == 'slow') { x = 600; } else if (!isNumber(x)) { x = parseInt(x); if (isNaN(x)) { return 0; } } return x * urvanov_syntax_highlighters[uid].time; }; var isNumber = function (x) { return typeof x == 'number'; }; }; $(document).ready(function () { UrvanovSyntaxHighlighterSyntax.init(); }); })(jQueryUrvanovSyntaxHighlighter);